How does the word Christmas affect you?! Some actually cringe at the thought of: – the lack of money – keeping the peace, – decorating and then taking it down ALL by yourself, – wrapping the gifts carefully and watching those you love tear into them like nobody’s business, – making sure your loved…
Author: Hunny
Introduction: Why Should I Let Jesus Have Reigns Of My Life?
Why should I let Jesus have the reigns of my life? Many of us like the idea of being in control of our own lives, but often find ourselves anxious and stressed. No peace, No love, No real enjoyment. So what are our choices? By receiving Jesus as our Lord and Savior and…
Your New Walk 1 – Only One Way to Heaven
Our most important relationships are with God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit.
Knowing God, the Father, Jesus, the Son, and Holy Spirit,
God’s Spirit is essential for our new walk.
Your New Walk 1b – Jesus I Believe
If there is truly a desire to follow Jesus and allow Him to be in charge (He only wants the best for us; His plans are good and full of hope – Jeremiah 29:11), please pray this prayer:
Your New Walk 2 – Starting on God’s Path…
When we pray the prayer of salvation, meaning it from our hearts, and we repent of our sins, God said that He would remember our sins no more because the blood of Jesus washed them away!
Your New Walk 3 – God’s Love and Grace
God is full of love, mercy, and grace, and wants only the best for us. His desire is for us to walk daily with Him on His path. To keep us on that path, He has set up guidelines for our good!
Your New Walk 4 – God’s Warning to His Children
When we are truly walking on the path with Jesus, we’ll want to please Him daily. Isaiah 30:21 “You will hear a voice saying: “This is the way; walk in it.”
Your New Walk 4b – Holy Spirit’s Help
When we consciously or unconsciously stray from God’s Holy Spirit’s help…His path, we can repent (turn around and go the opposite way) OR we can continue in sin. Holy Spirit will nudge and warn us but never push us into living the right way.
Your New Walk 5 – Our Words are Weapons!
Did you know our words are blessings or curses? The shocking news is that we speak words without paying attention to the repercussions. There is a way to correct or discuss in love: Jesus is our example. With our words, we continually prophecy (good or evil) over our lives and also the lives of others….
Your New Walk 5b – Continue with Words
Just remember we’re all on a team together; so to stay on Heaven’s Team we should say what Heaven can agree with. Proverbs 18:21 says “life and death are in the power of the tongue.” We either live or die by the words we speak and by the words we receive.
YOUR NEW WALK 6 – Cleansing my heart
A happy heart is light and carefree and that’s our goal; so let’s have a check-up and examine what’s in our hearts. After receiving Jesus as your Lord and Savior, this is one of the most important exercises we can do to help us grow in the Lord. God, create a clean heart in me…
Your New Walk 6b- Continued Cleansing
Remember to get some paper and pen to write names. Then you can tear it up so that no one else can see them. This is between you and Jesus so go slowly and let Him speak to you. My list to forgive: (Living or deceased) Jesus, I willingly choose to relinquish: (write each name…
Your New Walk 7 – Binding And Loosening
Your New Walk – Binding And Loosening Binding and Loosing Angels and Demons This is definitely GOOD NEWS! Binding: An action or something that ties together, attaches or holds down. Also limits or holds someone to an agreement. (In Matthew 16:19, we have an agreement with Jesus as His children) Loosing: To…
What it means to be a “Fruity Christian”!
What it means to be a “Fruity Christian”! When, as Christians, we read the word or hear a message we become like a seed. Actually, the word IS the seed but we also become a seed. God’s Word goes into our souls/spirits and begins to grow and grow; especially when we water “our seed”…
Angelic Forces
Angelic Forces Psalms 103:20 “Bless the Lord, all you messengers (angels) of power, for you are His mighty heroes who listen intently to the voice of His word to do it.” If you believe in Jesus, then you belong to God’s family and His angelic forces are ready to serve you. You now…
Binding and Loosing Angels and Demons
Binding and Loosing Angels and Demons This is definitely GOOD NEWS! Binding: An action or something that ties together, attaches or holds down. Also limits or holds someone to an agreement. (In Matthew 16:19, we have an agreement with Jesus as His children) Loosing: To free from confinement, to set free, release. The American Heritage…
Dressing for Battle – God’s Armor
Dressing for Battle – God’s Armor Romans 13:14: Cloth yourself with Jesus Christ by taking up His weapons and stop paying attention to your sinful nature and satisfying its desires. This post will get the ones ready for battle who know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. If you haven’t yet accepted Jesus but…
Lord, Look who’s talking…
Lord, look who’s talking… Lord, who’s that talking about me? Why won’t the voices just let me be? I don’t like what’s being said I’m not hard of hearing and certainly not dead. In fact, I’m very much alive. But, Lord, how do I survive? I find myself feeling down and out When voices whisper…
A Women’s Decree For A Soul Mate
A Women’s Decree For A Soul Mate (Part A: getting me ready) I focus on things above where the everlasting value lies. Today I step into Jesus putting on His heart/cloak of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. I graciously forgive others just as Jesus has forgiven me. Over all of these virtues, I…
Woman’s Decree for Her Soul Mate – Part B
Woman’s Decree for Her Soul Mate Part B Thank You, Lord, that the man You have hand-picked for me knows You, loves You, and walks daily with You. His heart and soul are connected with Holy Spirit; so he hears Your voice and obeys quickly. Every day, he walks in the compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness,…
A Man’s Decree For A Soul Mate
A Man’s Decree For A Soul Mate (Part A: getting me ready) I focus on things above where the everlasting value lies. Today I step into Jesus putting on His heart/cloak of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. I graciously forgive others just as Jesus has forgiven me. Over all of these virtues, I…
Man’s Decree for His Soul Mate – Part B
Man’s Decree for His Soul Mate (part B) Thank You, Lord, that the woman You have hand-picked for me knows You, loves You, and walks daily with You. Her heart and soul are connected with Holy Spirit; so she hears Your voice and obeys quickly. Every day, she walks in the compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness,…
Then They Were Gone
Then they were gone… or so I thought! The unforgiveness and anger brought on by years of deception and hurts but most of all fears. But where did they go? Even I didn’t know. Can they really disappear and be erased? Or do they just hang around in their own space waiting to make an…
Fly Butterfly Fly
There was a season in my life that seemed too long I needed help and for my friends to be strong With love they carried me in their hearts as I traveled Through a place called “Wilderness” Not all could fully understand and therefore on this journey they did miss I learned that…
Fly Butterfly Fly
There was a season in my life that seemed too long I needed help and for my friends to be strong With love they carried me in their hearts as I traveled Through a place called “Wilderness” Not all could fully understand and therefore on this journey they did miss I learned that Healing…