A Man’s Decree For A Soul Mate
(Part A: getting me ready)
I focus on things above where the everlasting value lies. Today
I step into Jesus putting on His heart/cloak of compassion,
kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. I graciously forgive
others just as Jesus has forgiven me. Over all of these virtues,
I put on and wrap myself up in love which is the perfect bond of
unity. The peace of Christ rules in my heart as I stay in step with Him.
Thank You, Holy Spirit, for prompting
and encouraging me.
As I read God’s word, I am filled with His
wisdom, knowledge,
understanding, common sense, discernment,
insight and revelation.
Father, Your word is alive and
active and sharper than
any 2 edged sword. As I speak
it out, You see it
fulfilled and because Your word is
alive in my spirit;
it changes me from the inside out.
Father, thank You for the woman You have selected for
me – my soul mate. Because I have Your eyes; I will
see her heart as You do. Thank You for a connection of
our souls and our spirits; so we will both know
we are created for each other.
Enemy, you are bound because I am covered in the blood
of Jesus and I have a circle of blood around me. I am a child
of the Most High King! Your plans and schemes are now
canceled and made void, in Jesus’ Name!
(taken from Colossians 3, Hebrews 4:12, Ps alms,
Revelation 1:5, Isaiah 54:17)
Click here to Go to: The Man’s Decree For A Soul Mate part B